Methods And ToolS for Process ImprovemenT

MAST is oriented and aimed at the activation and use of a service related to the innovation of business management processes.

The objective of the project is the innovation of business management processes, through the elaboration of an action plan that allows to:

  • map the company’s internal processes;
  • take corrective actions to optimize processes and increase business efficiency;
  • benchmark the knowledge and process management tools.

By implementing the corrective actions detected, 2038 INNOVATION COMPANY S.R.L. has standardized and optimized internal business processes, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of production activities, as well as the development and management of research and industrial projects.

Increasing the organizational quality and coordination among the different actors involved in the company activities, thanks to the implementation of a business management model able to ensure an increase in the quality of the outputs produced, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, the company has been able to provide itself with a series of tools and methods, to enable logics useful for the adoption of an optimal organizational and process management model, and at the same time, to ensure an increase in its competitiveness and resilience to market changes.

MAST is a project co-funded under POR Puglia FESR-FSE 2014-2020 Asse prioritario III – Competitività delle piccole e medie imprese Azione 3.7.- Sub-Azione 3.7.a – “AVVISO INNOPROCESS – Interventi di supporto a soluzione ICT nei processi produttivi delle PMI

Project code: TDKBCB1 - Project Identification Code (PIC): B39J20003720007

Project Proponent: 2038 INNOVATION COMPANY S.R.L.




REA: PA - 31426

VAT: 06332900825

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